Our Aims

Our provision is tailored to each student ensuring that their educational, therapeutic and holistic needs are met, and barriers to learning are removed. 

We aim to: 


Promote a culture in which students feel safe, secure and have a voice. 

Create an ethos of mutual respect, trust and high expectations. 

Foster a positive ethos to enhance students’ self-esteem by celebrating success and progress 

Provide a high level of support where interest is taken in each students’ well-being. 

Provide appropriate behavior support, specialist and therapeutic intervention. 

Set boundaries and expectations so students learn to take responsibility for themselves and their actions. 

Develop motivated and independent learners. 

To ensure all students are supported to make exceptional academic progress, ‘closing the gap’, through high quality teaching. 

Maintain positive working relationships with all partners and stakeholders. 

Actively promote students’ participation in the local community and link with development projects around the world. 


What we Provide


Full time education in a creative and nurturing environment. 

A tailored programme that meets educational, therapeutic and holistic needs of each student. 

A positive and inclusive environment which celebrates and rewards success and achievement. 

A broad, balanced and stimulating curriculum informed by the national curriculum. 

An emphasis on personal and social development leading to independence. 

Small teaching groups and a high staff to student ratio. 

An experienced and highly motivated staff team. 

Individual and group therapies. 

A pathway back to mainstream education provisions or other local authority settings. 


Our Commitments 


Promoting equal opportunity in our multicultural society irrespective of gender, race, creed, background or ability. 

Working in partnership with others, in school, homes and in the community. 

Respecting the self-esteem and dignity of others. 

Valuing the contribution of all the members of our school community. 

Developing positive links with carers/parents. 

The holistic development of all our students. 

The wellbeing and safety of all our students and staff. 

Maintaining the highest professional standards.